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Perhaps it did not cross your mind: why wouldn’t you account for new births as a cost?

Choose our services - we reduce your administration load by outsourcing the tasks affecting your pregnant employees!

Are you acquainted with the relevant provisions? Did you decide to deal with the bureaucracy yourselves? What about getting experts to deal with the social security administration? This provides maximum help to your expectant employees.

I request an offer

We can issue an invoice for our professional advice to you company, the amount of which can be accounted for as costs.

We help you, so that you can help also!

Perhaps it did not cross your mind: why wouldn’t you account for new births as a cost?

Choose our services - we reduce your administration load by outsourcing the tasks affecting your pregnant employees!

Are you acquainted with the relevant provisions? Did you decide to deal with the bureaucracy yourselves? What about getting experts to deal with the social security administration? This provides maximum help to your expectant employees.

I request an offer

We can issue an invoice for our professional advice to you company, the amount of which can be accounted for as costs.

We help you, so that you can help also!

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Company name: Zilicon Szolgáltató Kft.

Address: 2092 Budakeszi, Virágvölgy utca 2.

Personal pick up here: 1089 Budapest, Orczy út 6. II/204.

+36 30 335 13 30

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